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Bob Blanshan

Lead Minister

Bob Blanshan
  • Favorite Bible verse/passage:

“Then the word of the LORD came to Jonah the second time…”  Jonah 3.1 ESV

 We serve a God of second chances.

  • How people can pray for me:

Pray that I would grow in wisdom, integrity, focus, courage, honesty, diligence, and discipline.

  • What I love about Plainview Church of Christ:

My wife, Sarah, and I were members at PCC before I ever did ministry here.  When we first walked through the door, they didn’t know us, but we were welcomed with open arms. I fell in love the people here, and I appreciated their attention to scripture and their concern for the broken and lost.  I did not know then that God would call us to serve here, but I am so glad He brought us here.

  • My passion in ministry:

I am passionate about preaching the word and our mission to “save the lost, equip the saved, and send the equipped.”  God has called each of us to shine His glory and share His goodness.

  • My hobbies:

I enjoy history, books, Lego, playing the ukulele, researching obscure subjects, and playing boardgames with my family.

  • Something people should know about me:

Anything you say or do in my presence may end up in a sermon.  😊

© 2024 Plainview Church of Christ

205 1st St NE Plainview MN 55964

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