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Wednesdays from 6pm to 7pm, youth in grades 7-12 will learn to further turn towards Christ through worship, games, and Bible study!

At 7pm, the youth all eat a meal together.


We also have activities almost every month, including hockey, hiking, and movies.

Story Time


Wednesdays from 6pm to 7pm, kids in grades Kindergarten through 6th grade will meet for activities, a lesson, and worship. A meal follows at 7pm.

adult class

Wednesdays from 6pm to 7pm, Bob teaches an adult class, with dinner following at 7pm.


Weather Cancellation Policy

While we will generally follow PEM’s lead, sometimes the inclement morning weather gives way to a calmer evening. When necessary, we will announce the official decision on cancelling church activities by noon, here on the website, as well as on our social media accounts.

Cancellation Policy

© 2024 Plainview Church of Christ

205 1st St NE Plainview MN 55964

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