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The most powerful being in the universe wants us to talk to Him because He loves us.


The following activities are tools you and your family can use to connect and grow with one another and with God.


What is Prayer?


What kinds of things do you like to talk to your friends about? How do you feel when you know someone is listening to everything you say?

  • Pull out 4 pieces of paper and something to write with, and then designate someone to be the Official Keeper of the Records.

  • Number the papers 1-4 and put the fancy word titles at the top of each. The titles are: Praise, Confession, Supplication, and Thanksgiving.

  • Set a timer for 1 minute, and go around taking turns each saying one thing for the Official Keeper of the Records to write down on each paper (i.e. one person says something about how God is awesome (praise), the next person says something about a mistake they might have made (confession), the next person says something they could ask God about (supplication), and so on).

  • See how many things you can all write down before the timer is up. Then go over the list together, and spend time out loud talking to God about each one of the things on the list.


Who is God?


What do you think is the coolest part about the universe that God has made? What is the most confusing part about the universe that God has made?

  • Go for a walk around your neighborhood.

  • As you walk, take turns pointing out something that God created, and talk about how cool it is, then each take turns saying one or two sentences to God thanking Him and telling Him about it. (If the weather isn’t cooperative, you can just look out the window and take turns pointing things out from there.)


Why Does it Matter?


What would it be like if your favorite celebrity (it could be a YouTuber, TikToker, musician, athlete, etc.) wanted to hang out and talk to you?

  • Play a game of “Steal the Bacon.” 

  • To play this game you’ll need a blindfold, a chair, something soft that fits under the chair and is easy to grab (a rolled up towel or a stuffed animal works great), and a pillow or pool noodle.

  • Have one person start being “it,” blindfold them and have them sit in a chair in the middle of an open space with the pillow in their hand. Then place the soft item (the “bacon”) under the chair. The object is for everyone else to try “stealing” the item from under the chair without getting whacked.

  • Whoever is in the chair and blindfolded, needs to try whacking people with the pillow or the pool noodle as they hear them trying to get the “bacon.” If someone gets whacked, they’re out for that round. Play enough rounds for everyone to get a chance to be the whacker.

  • Afterwards, huddle up and talk about how God is someone we can get right up close to. We can go to Him and talk to Him about everything. He isn’t like someone sitting in a big fancy chair trying to keep us away or keep us from bothering Him. He wants to hear from us! Take the next few moments and go around, giving everyone a chance to pray out loud and thank God for being someone we can talk to about everything. Take time to thank God for loving us.

© 2024 Plainview Church of Christ

205 1st St NE Plainview MN 55964

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