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Family Devotions


Encouragement Card


Read over the Bible passage below. Then gather up some decorating supplies (crayons, paint, stickers, markers, etc.) and a huge piece of poster board (this can be purchased from somewhere like Walmart for $1 or so). Choose someone you know like a grandparent, teacher, or neighbor to whom you would like to show some love and encouragement. Spend the evening making and decorating a giant encouragement card for them. As you work, go through the questions below. Pick a day to deliver your card as a family.


1 John 4:10-12


After you’ve read the Bible verse, ask each other the following questions:

· What are some ways that you like being shown love or encouragement?

· How do you feel when you know you’ve been encouraging and loving towards someone else?

· What are some other ways we can show love to others around us?

Firm Foundation


Gather up a bunch of supplies that you can build a platform out of. This could be popsicle sticks or crafts sticks, toothpicks, que-tips, sticks from the yard, or even just some random cardboard pieces you have lying around. Work together to build a base that you can stack things on top of. After it’s built, start stacking heavy things (like books or blocks) on it to see how long it will stay up. You could even get a bunch of fans or blowers to see if you can knock it over. Afterwards, read the Bible passage and talk through the questions.


Matthew 7:24-29


After you’ve read the Bible verse, ask each other the following questions:

· Why do you think it’s important to build our lives on Jesus?

· What kinds of things should we watch out for that would knock us over if we’re not building our lives on Jesus?



Use this simple, 2-ingredient recipe for Oobleck.
Take time to mix it together as a family. Have fun playing with it and making a mess. As you clean up, have someone read the Bible story below, and then talk through the questions together.


Luke 15:11-20


After you’ve read the Bible verse, ask each other the following questions:

· Talk about how the lost son had to eat slop with the pigs because of the bad choices he made. What do think he felt like to realize that he needed to ask for his father’s forgiveness?

· How do you feel knowing that no matter how big a mess we make because of our own mistakes, god will always forgive us?

A Wee Diorama


Read through the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus (listed below). Once you’ve done that, go through the house and gather supplies to make a diorama of the scene with Zacchaeus in the tree with Jesus talking to him. Use an old shoebox and find some sticks, dirt and other small things to build the road to Jericho. You can use something like pipe cleaners or wire to make little stick figures of Jesus and Zacchaeus (and the crowd on the road too if you want to get super detailed). As you put it together, talk through the questions below.


Luke 19:1-10


After you’ve read the Bible verse, ask each other the following questions:

· What do you think it felt like for Zacchaeus to be forgiven by Jesus?

· Why do you think being forgiven changed Zacchaeus so much?

· How do you feel knowing that God will forgive you too?

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205 1st St NE Plainview MN 55964

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